Do you need exposure estimates for GRAS or NDI Notifications?

AIBMR works with clients to provide dietary exposure estimates, using probabilistic modeling software, and other methods, to calculate dietary exposures to food additives, nutrients, or various contaminants.

Exposure Estimates

AIBMR works with clients to provide dietary exposure estimates, using probabilistic modeling software, and other methods, to calculate dietary exposures to food additives, nutrients, or various contaminants. Such exposure data is required for Independent GRAS Conclusions, FDA GRAS Notifications, Food Additive Petitions (FAP), and Color Additive Petitions (CAP) to FDA.

Strategies include using large-scale datasets from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES), along with specific intended uses and concentrations to determine exposure estimates for safety assessments.

NHANES surveys are statistically weighted, in part to ensure that the information is representative for the United States population. Exposure data can be reported in numerous ways, such as by consumption percentiles, by specific population groups, by individual foods versus aggregate exposures, or by food consumers (“per user”) versus total population. AIBMR provides independent exposure estimates as well as a part of larger risk assessments for regulatory purposes.